Raw config
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false -- Debug mode, this will print all events to console
Config.Framework = 'none' -- Server core: QB - QBCore, ESX - ESX, none - Standalone
Config.CoreResource = 'qb-core' -- Only used for QBCore servers
Config.PMAVoiceResource = 'pma-voice'
Since v1.8 your able to log actions like radio channel switch and etc.
ensure that your bridge has `bridge.log(src, event, data)` method
]] --
Config.EnableLogging = false
Since v1.8 theres new frame introduced
For config use either:
- new
- old
]] --
Config.Frame = "old"
Config.FrameProps = {
new = {
['default'] = 'prop_radio_graphite',
['red'] = 'prop_radio_red',
['blue'] = 'prop_radio_blue',
['green'] = 'prop_radio_green',
['yellow'] = 'prop_radio_yellow',
['white'] = 'prop_radio_white',
old = {
['default'] = 'walkietalkie_grey',
['red'] = 'walkietalkie_red',
['blue'] = 'walkietalkie_blue',
['green'] = 'walkietalkie_green',
['yellow'] = 'walkietalkie_yellow',
['white'] = 'walkietalkie_white',
Config.DefaultColor = "red" -- Options: default, white, red, blue, green, yellow
Config.AllowColorChange = true -- Allow personal color switch, automatically set to false if MultipleItems are enabled
Config.OpenRadioCommand = 'radio' -- Command to open radio, false to disable
Config.UseItem = true -- Use item to open radio, this will work only for QB or ESX
Config.MultipleItems = false
Config.UseableItems = {
single = "radio",
multiple = {
default = 'radio_default',
red = 'radio_red',
blue = 'radio_blue',
green = 'radio_green',
yellow = 'radio_yellow',
white = 'radio_white'
Config.UseRadioKey =
false -- Use radio key to open radio, if you want to disable this set it to false (command should be enabled if you want to use keybind)
Config.LeaveRadioIfDead = true -- Leave radio channel if player is dead
Config.DefaultVolume = 50 -- 0 - 100
Config.MicClicks = true -- This enables pma-voice mic clicks
Config.RadioAnims = true -- This enables pma-voice radio animations
Config.CanMoveWhileRadioIsOpen = false -- Allow user to move while radio is open
Config.CanMoveWhileQuickRadioListIsOpen = false -- Allow user to move while quick radio list is open, what a name
Config.MaxFrequency = 999
Config.UseRanges = true
Config.DisableRangesForJobs = { 'police', 'ambulance' } -- disable ranges for custom jobs, example: { 'police', 'ambulance' }, used only for ESX and QB
Config.disableAutoSpectateModeDetection = false -- If disabled, ranges wont take effect on person who is spectating
Config.UsePMADefaultRadioEffect = false -- Use default radio effect for normal range
Config.DefaultRadioFilter = {
{ name = "freq_low", value = 100.0 },
{ name = "freq_hi", value = 5000.0 },
{ name = "rm_mod_freq", value = 300.0 },
{ name = "rm_mix", value = 0.1 },
{ name = "fudge", value = 4.0 },
{ name = "o_freq_lo", value = 300.0 },
{ name = "o_freq_hi", value = 5000.0 },
volume = {
frontLeftVolume = 0.25,
frontRightVolume = 1.0,
Since v1.8 you're able to extend range with an item.
Enable it below, and make sure item with extendable range is defined correctly.
]] --
Config.CanExtendRange = true
Config.RangeExtendItem = 'radio_antenna'
Config.RangeExtendRange = 500.0 -- min and max will be extended for each range.
Config.Ranges = {
effect = {
{ name = "freq_low", value = 100.0 },
{ name = "freq_hi", value = 5000.0 },
{ name = "rm_mod_freq", value = 300.0 },
{ name = "rm_mix", value = 0.5 },
{ name = "fudge", value = 11.0 },
{ name = "o_freq_lo", value = 300.0 },
{ name = "o_freq_hi", value = 5000.0 },
volume = {
frontLeftVolume = 0.25,
frontRightVolume = 1.0,
ranges = {
min = 900,
max = 1300.0
effect = {
{ name = "freq_low", value = 100.0 },
{ name = "freq_hi", value = 5000.0 },
{ name = "rm_mod_freq", value = 300.0 },
{ name = "rm_mix", value = 0.8 },
{ name = "fudge", value = 17.0 },
{ name = "o_freq_lo", value = 300.0 },
{ name = "o_freq_hi", value = 5000.0 },
volume = {
frontLeftVolume = 0.25,
frontRightVolume = 1.0,
ranges = {
min = 1300.0,
max = 1700.0
effect = {
{ name = "freq_low", value = 100.0 },
{ name = "freq_hi", value = 5000.0 },
{ name = "rm_mod_freq", value = 1500.0 },
{ name = "rm_mix", value = 1.3 },
{ name = "fudge", value = 25.0 },
{ name = "o_freq_lo", value = 300.0 },
{ name = "o_freq_hi", value = 5000.0 },
volume = {
frontLeftVolume = 0.25,
frontRightVolume = 1.0,
mute = true,
ranges = {
min = 1700.0,
max = 2300.0
Config.JammerFilter = {
effect = {
{ name = "freq_low", value = 100.0 },
{ name = "freq_hi", value = 5000.0 },
{ name = "rm_mod_freq", value = 1500.0 },
{ name = "rm_mix", value = 1.3 },
{ name = "fudge", value = 30.0 },
{ name = "o_freq_lo", value = 300.0 },
{ name = "o_freq_hi", value = 5000.0 },
volume = {
frontLeftVolume = 0.25,
frontRightVolume = 1.0,
Config.AllChanelsHaveUserList = false -- If enabled, all channels will have user list
Config.AllWhitelistedChannelsHaveUserList = true -- If enabled, all radio will have user list
Config.IsExternalUsersListEnabledByDefault = false -- If enabled, external users list will be enabled and shown
Config.CanExternalUsersListBeToggled = true -- if enabled, external users list can be toggled
Config.ExternalUsersListHighlight = false -- if enabled, talking users will be highlighted in external users list
-- Applies for list title
Config.ExternalListTitleStyles = {
['opacity'] = '0.8',
['text-shadow'] = '1.25px 0 0 #000, 0 -1.25px 0 #000, 0 1.25px 0 #000, -1.25px 0 0 #000',
-- Applies for each user in the list
Config.ExternalUsersListStyles = {
-- ['top'] = '30%',
Config.ExternalUsersListInActiveStyles = {
['opacity'] = '0.8',
['text-shadow'] = '1.25px 0 0 #000, 0 -1.25px 0 #000, 0 1.25px 0 #000, -1.25px 0 0 #000',
-- Applies for each user in the list
Config.ExternalUsersListActiveStyles = {
['opacity'] = '1.0',
['color'] = '#4BB2FA',
['text-shadow'] = '1.25px 0 0 #000, 0 -1.25px 0 #000, 0 1.25px 0 #000, -1.25px 0 0 #000',
Config.QuickJoinCommand = 'qradio' -- Command to join radio channel, to disable it set it to false
Config.UseCustomChannelNames = {
[1] = "PD Radio Endless name",
[1.11] = 'Chase 1',
[1.12] = 'Chase 2'
Config.WhitelistedAccess = {
[1] = {
['police'] = true,
['ambulance'] = true
Config.ChannelsWhichHasList = {
-- [1] = true
-- Disables range for specific channels
Config.DisableRangeForChannels = {
[1] = true
Config.AllChannelsCanBeLocked = false -- Specify if all public channels can be locked (won't work on whitelisted channels)
Config.ChannelsWhichCanBeLocked = { -- if above is false, Specify which channels can be locked (won't work on whitelisted channels)
[2] = true
Config.AllowJammers = false -- Allow jammers to be used
Config.JammerRadius = 20
Config.JammerPickUpUse = '3d' -- Avaiable: 3d (draws 3d text above jammer), qb-target, qtarget, ox_target
Config.PlaceJammerCommand =
'placejammer' -- Command to place jammer, to disable it set it to false (only work with Framework = none)
Config.UseJammerItem = false -- Item name to use as jammer, only works with QB or ESX, set false to disable
Config.JammerItemName = "radio_jammer"
Config.MinimumDistanceBetweenJammers = 100
Config.DisableJammerForJobs = { 'police' } -- Only works for QB or ESX
Config.DisableJammerForChannels = {
[2] = true
-- Quick join list
Config.QuickListCommand = 'rlist' -- Command to open quick join list, to disable it set it to false
Config.QuickListKeyBind =
'l' -- Keybind to open quick join list, to disable it set it to false (command should be enabled if you want to use keybind)
Config.QuickListForJobs = {
['police'] = {
[1] = 'General PD Channel',
[2] = 'General PD Channel',
[3] = 'General PD Channel',
[4] = 'General PD Channel',
[5] = 'General PD Channel',
[6] = 'General PD Channel',
[7] = 'General PD Channel',
[8] = 'General PD Channel',
[9] = 'General PD Channel',
[10] = 'General PD Channel',
-- Don't touch
Config.DefaultSettings = {
volume = Config.DefaultVolume,
frame = Config.DefaultColor,
size = "medium",
signs = {
sign = '',
name = '',
position = {
bottom = 0,
right = 0
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