
Prepare and install dependencies

Framework dependencies (supported by current bridge)

For framework, you can either choose:


Please make you downloaded your resource:

Database setup

Banking resource includes automatic migrations if database user has proper permissions to create tables. Otherwise, you can run .sql file provided in the resource.


Please ensure, that everything is configured as you like in config and data directories.

Start resource

Make sure, resource is started after ox_lib and oxmysql.

  ensure oxmysql
  ensure ox_lib
  ensure fd_banking

Common Issues


If your user doesn't have permissions to create tables, please grant him permissions to do so. You can do it by executing following query:

GRANT CREATE, ALTER, DROP, INDEX, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `database_name`.`table` TO 'username'@'localhost';

Otherwise, you can create tables manually, by executing provided .sql file in resource.


If you have an issue or questions, please visit our discord, and open a ticket.