General Config
config.WhitelistedWeaponArmed = { -- weapons specifically whitelisted to not show armed mode
-- miscellaneous
-- melee
-- throwables
config.WhitelistedWeaponStress = {
config.SpeedingStressEnabled = false -- enable stress increase from speed
config.MinimumSpeedUnbuckled = 50 -- minimum unbuckled speed from which player will get stress
config.MinimumSpeed = 100 -- minimum speed from which player will get stress
config.DisablePoliceStress = false -- police won't gain stress whenever they're shooting
config.ShootingStressChance = 0.8 -- shooting stress chance
config.PoliceShootingChance = 0.0 -- police shooting stress chance
config.MaximumStress = 500 -- 100 in default qbus hud
config.StressBlur = {
min = 100,
max = 200,
waitBeforeCheck = 100000,
blurTime = 1500
min = 200,
max = 300,
waitBeforeCheck = 90000,
blurTime = 2000
min = 300,
max = 400,
waitBeforeCheck = 80000,
blurTime = 2500
min = 400,
max = 500,
waitBeforeCheck = 70000,
blurTime = 3000
min = 500,
max = 600,
waitBeforeCheck = 60000,
blurTime = 3500
min = 600,
max = 700,
waitBeforeCheck = 50000,
blurTime = 3500
min = 700,
max = 800,
waitBeforeCheck = 40000,
blurTime = 3500
min = 800,
max = 900,
waitBeforeCheck = 30000,
blurTime = 3500
min = 900,
max = 1000,
waitBeforeCheck = 20000,
blurTime = 3500
config.StressRagdoll = {
min = 800,
max = 900,
waitBeforeCheck = 60000,
ragdollTime = 3500
min = 900,
max = 1000,
waitBeforeCheck = 20000,
ragdollTime = 5000
config.CompassEnabledWithItem = false -- is compass enabled only with item?
config.CompassItem = 'compass' -- item name
config.UseKmh = true -- want to use km/h?
config.NeededPlaneLicense = true -- if enabled, users will need license to drive heli or a plane
config.VehicleFirstPersonAim = true -- if enabled, players will be forced for first person shooting from any vehicle
config.ElectricVehicles = {
config.defaultTheme = GetConvar("fd:defaultTheme", "night")
config.availableThemes = {
config.DisableHealthBarOldWay = false
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